COMPORT (Comserver von W&T) (EN-US)

COMPORT (Comserver von W&T) (EN-US)

Modern IBM i - systems do not have V.24 interfaces anymore. However, some of our products require special hardware to be connected via V.24, e.g. gsmtext.

The comserver systems of the company W&T (www.wut.de) close this gap. They are connected to the IBM i via TCP/IP and in turn provide a V.24 interface to which the corresponding devices can then be connected.

Two devices are tested with Toolmaker software:

  • 58231 with one V.24 port
  • 58004 with two V.24 ports

For the setup of the Comserver, W&T provides a PC software called "WUTilities"

The download of the software and the documentation for the Comserver can be found on the W&T website (www.wut.de)

Please download and install WUTilities on your PC.

Initial configuration via the WuTilities

This way:

  1. Set the IP address statically to
  2. The web interface is enabled on port 80

Further configuration in the browser

The port of the communication server should be configured as follows:

  • 9600 baud
  • No parity
  • 1 stop bit